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Carsick Cars -You Can Listen You Can Talk
Audio > Music
108.51 MB

carsick cars carsick Carsick car sick cars CARSICK CARS Car Sick Cars car sick cars you can listen you can talk car sick you can listen you can talk You Can Listen You Can Talk
+0 / -0 (0)

Feb 6, 2010

Carsick Cars formed in March 2005 and performed for the first time at Beijing Institute of Technology in May 2005. Since then the band have played every major venue in Beijing as well as in Shanghai and Hangzhou.

In this short time Carsick Cars have earned their reputation at the pinnacle of Beijing's live music scene, with their gigs riotous explosions of pent-up energy. There's a certain fearlessness to Carsick Cars music, one that is born of the confidence of the talented: they are not afraid to write perfect, instantaneously catchy songs, and they are just as unafraid of detonating them midstream amid a howling wall of guitar noise. Live, this tendency towards violated beauty knows no bounds: anyone who was at D-22 in early December will remember the eleven minutes it took for Xiao Wang (already a veteran of Glenn Branca's guitar army at only 21) to move between the final primal teenage-kick howl of "COME ON!" on I Wanna Be Your Dog, to being sat dazed and bewildered on the floor, guitar unstrapped, shards of white noise spitting from his poor abused amp, wondering - just as the delirious audience was - what the fuck had just happened. Such ecstatic flights, such abandon, is rare these days, so get in on the ground floor and catch it while you can. As the graffiti in the D-22 toilets says, I Love My Mom, I Love My Country and I LOVE Carsick Cars. And you know graffiti never lies.


Just saw them last night in Daegu and they rocked!